When You Don't Get Your Way - Try Trusting
It seems that one of the hardest things we as men must deal with is not getting our way. Certainly, one of the tests of our metal is how we handle adversity. Perseverance in the face of opposition and obstacles is a must for us to grow spiritually. But right up there in the same vein is our ability to thrive when we don’t get our way.
Paul said in Philippians 4:11 that “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” Can you and I say the same thing? Many times, when faced with a “No” from the Lord, I find myself exhibiting a whining or demanding attitude. Both of these attitudes are sin, and counterproductive to growing in Christlikeness.
Grumbling is serious business in God’s sight. I Corinthians 10:10 says “and do not grumble, as some of them did – and were killed by the destroying angel.” It is time to deal with our grumbling, don’t you think?
Maybe we should start thinking of God’s “No’s” as opportunities to grow closer to our Lord Jesus Christ. Instead of grumbling, we need to make a conscious effort praise God, proclaim His goodness, and petition His help to learn from His “No”.
Praising God and giving thanks in all circumstances, and FOR all circumstances is the first step to overcoming grumbling. It is impossible to complain and praise at the same time. Grumbling is a subtle way of saying God made a mistake with me.
Proclaiming God’s goodness is another way to overcome grumbling. This is how we remind ourselves that God always has our best interest at heart. He is refining us to make us more like His son, Jesus, which in turn will bring us joy and peace!
Finally, we need to petition God for help to look at our circumstances as opportunities to trust our mighty God and accept His will for our lives. Sometimes, in the midst of difficulties we get tunnel vision and only see the problems. God wants us to look up and see Him – sovereign and powerful to work on our behalf.