Why Men Should Be Prolife
Men have a right to have a say in the abortion debate. Some forget or willingly ignore the fact that the child in the womb is as much his as the mother’s. When the baby is aborted, the life taken was as much a part of the father as well as the mother. If he encourages his pregnant partner to abort the child she carries, he is as guilty of murder as she is. If he does not want the abortion his grief is deep because there is nothing he can do to stop it.
This coming Sunday is Sanctity of Life Sunday. It is a day when we mourn the loss of the millions of pre-born lives lost through abortion because of the 1973 Supreme Court decision Roe vs Wade in which abortion was made legal in the United States. The mantra at the time was “make abortion legal, safe, and rare.” Now, after 51 years and almost a million abortions per year later, abortion is neither safe nor rare!
And even though Roe vs Wade was reversed by the Supreme Court on June 24, 2023 leaving the matter to be decided by individual states, many are still trying to continue the atrocities through legislation and state constitutional amendments.
Many on the liberal front preach that the father’s wishes are irrelevant in the abortion debate because it is a “woman’s right to control her own body.” In truth, the child in her womb is a separate human being with their own DNA (half of which belongs to the father), fingerprints, and according to Holy Scripture, their own soul. In Jeremiah 1:5 the LORD says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…”
All these facts give, no, demand that the father’s wishes be seriously considered when deciding the fate of the baby in the womb. These facts should compel every man to join with those working to eliminate abortion, the way it is practiced now, from our country’s landscape.
So, how about it, friend? Are you willing to become vocally prolife? Will you say something at the water cooler at work? Will you stand up for truth at coffee break on the construction site? Will you get informed and elect prolife men and women to public office?
You CAN make a difference! You have the right to enter the fray! Don’t let anyone take that right away. Speak up for life! The coming generations are counting on us!