Worship Instead of Wobble!
If you have been a believer for any length of time you know that you are in a great spiritual war against the forces of evil in the heavenly realms. This war is between God and Satan for the souls of men.
You also know that since you have repented of your sins and unbelief, come to place your faith in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross that paid for your sins, you are now safe in the arms of the Savior, and for you, the war for your soul is over.
However, there are still battles to be fought and won against the sin that would so “easily beset us.” That is why it is important to consider the reason why the enemy is attacking so fiercely. If we are living in blatant, unrepentant sin, we open the door for Satan to gain a foothold in our lives. As believers, we cannot be possessed, but we can be oppressed. Also, if we will not deal with our sin through confession and repentance, God will not hear us (Ps. 66:18).
As in any war, there are periods of relative calm, and then there are times of intense conflict as the enemy throws everything at you in an attempt to overcome you and make you fall. He cannot cause you to lose your salvation, but he can destroy your testimony and render you useless for kingdom work.
I wish I could talk with each one of you to discover how you cope with these times of intense assault by the enemy. But since I cannot, I would like to share from the Word of God how I deal with those times when Satan’s demons carry on an all-out attack on my heart and mind.
My plan is simple. I worship instead of wobble. Instead of giving in to fear or giving up, I praise God. I call on His name. I run into His name which is a strong tower for the righteous (Proverbs 18:10). I flee to Jesus Christ, “the Rock that is higher than I,” and proclaim His praise.
Psalm 22: 3 says that “God inhabits the praises of His people.” The next time you come under spiritual attack, start to worship God. Praise Him for who He is. Humble yourself before God in reverent submission. Honor Him with your mouth, out loud. Proclaim His praises for His wonderful goodness, faithfulness, and power. Then watch the enemy flee!