Ya Gotta Know the Playbook
As I write this, ESPN is reporting that former Patriot quarterback, Tom Brady, is going to be hanging up his cleats for good. If he does, it will be a very different football landscape without him.
Drafted in the sixth round as the New England Patriots 33rd pick back in 2000, Brady had a reputation as a tough-minded player, but without some of the exceptional skills often sought in an NFL quarterback. But starting quarterback, Drew Bledsoe, got injured and Brady’s chance had arrived.
Brady did not razzle-dazzle anyone, but he did have a knack for winning. He led the Patriots to an 11-3 record in 2001 and an upset win against a tough Rams team in Superbowl XXXVI on February 3, 2002. Whatever Brady wasn’t, he was ready when the call came for him to step up! He had conditioned himself; he had prepared for that moment, and he knew the playbook inside and out.
Men, are YOU ready to lead? Unlike Tom Brady who had to wait for his opportunity, you are already in the game. The ball is in your hands. Your wife and children are looking to you for direction. Are you in spiritual shape? How well do you know the “playbook”? As men who claim to know Jesus Christ, our playbook is God’s Word. It not only has the plays but points us to the One who can give us all we need to put them into action.
Actor, Woody Allen, is quoted as saying that 90% of life is just showing up. You don’t have to be perfect, friend, but you must be there, playbook firmly planted in your heart and mind, and ready to make the call. The game is always on the line, but God’s divine power has given you all you need for life and godliness through His great and precious promises. (2 Peter 1:3) I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13)
God has issued the call. It is time to step up, men. You can do it!