Author name: Joel Littlefield

When Men Sing in Church Part 2

Jesus is not ashamed of you. At one time you were his enemy because of sin. Enemies become sons and heirs through the grace of the gospel. When you stand with the congregation this upcoming Lord’s Day, remember that Christ is your elder Brother and that He came to this earth to make this so, and declare to you the name of His Father.

When Men Sing in Church Part 1

One of the most important roles that a Christian man can play in his church is to sing. Yes, that’s right. I’m not talking about being on the worship team. That takes a great amount of skill. I’m talking about a man who sings amid the families he gathers with every Sunday morning to worship the living God. When men of God sing, whether young, old, married, or single, they are doing what they were created to do.

Fathers, Do Not Provoke Your Children

Christian parents are on a mission to make disciples. Fathers are the designated leaders of this mission, and it is not an easy task. It is impossible when attempted in ones own strength. Can you relate to this feeling?

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